Heiße Umarmung am Strand

Catherine O'Connor

Erotische Romane

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Beschreibung zu „Heiße Umarmung am Strand“

Für Jenny wird die Reise nach Tunesien mit ihrem Chef, dem Regisseur Lewis, zur ganz großen Bewährungsprobe. Lewis will sie verführen, aber Jenny hat sich geschworen, nicht wie all die anderen schwach zu werden …

Über Catherine O'Connor

Catherine O’Connor, MA (Ed) Education Consultant, works as an education specialist in student recruitment at Trinity College Dublin and has over twenty years’ experience in education including the design and delivery of diploma, degree and master’s programmes at both Trinity College and Dublin City University.
Following a career in financial services, the study of drama led her to a Training and Development career where she worked in the community motivating the long term unemployed to return to study and work, after the last recession. Catherine has also researched and published within the areas of education and technology enhanced learning.


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