Feathers Left Around

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „Feathers Left Around“

Carolyn Wells' 'Feathers Left Around' is a captivating mystery novel that delves into the complexities of human nature and the power of secrets. Set in a small New England town, the story follows the enigmatic disappearance of a young woman and the ripple effects it creates within the tightly-knit community. Wells' elegant prose and keen attention to detail create a rich literary experience reminiscent of classic detective fiction, with twists and turns that will keep readers guessing until the final pages. The novel's exploration of themes such as love, betrayal, and redemption adds depth and nuance to the narrative, making it a compelling and engaging read for fans of the genre. Carolyn Wells, known for her prolific contributions to the mystery genre, brings her signature blend of suspense and intrigue to 'Feathers Left Around'. Wells' background in poetry and humor shines through in her writing, enhancing the novel with a lyrical quality and wit that sets it apart from other works in the genre. Her deep understanding of human emotions and motivations lends authenticity to the characters, making them resonate with readers on a personal level. For fans of classic mystery fiction with a modern twist, 'Feathers Left Around' is a must-read. Carolyn Wells' masterful storytelling and compelling characters make this novel a captivating and thought-provoking exploration of love, loss, and the power of the human spirit. With its intricate plot and skillful narrative structure, this book is sure to keep readers engaged from the first page to the last.


Good Press




ca. 181





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