The Curved Blades

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Curved Blades“

In Carolyn Wells' novel 'The Curved Blades', the reader is taken on a thrilling journey through the underground world of fencing in early 20th century America. The book combines elements of mystery, suspense, and romance, making it a captivating read for fans of both literary fiction and historical novels. Wells' elegant prose and attention to detail immerse the reader in the fascinating world of competitive fencing, complete with rivalries, secrets, and unexpected alliances. The novel's intricate plot twists and turns keep the reader engaged until the very last page, making it a truly satisfying read. Carolyn Wells, a prolific author known for her mysteries and detective stories, brings her expert storytelling skills to 'The Curved Blades'. Her background in writing in various genres shines through in this novel, as she effortlessly weaves together elements of suspense and romance to create a compelling narrative. Wells' own passion for storytelling and her meticulous research into the history of fencing in America are evident on every page, making 'The Curved Blades' a must-read for fans of her work and historical fiction enthusiasts alike. I highly recommend 'The Curved Blades' to readers looking for a captivating and well-written novel that seamlessly combines elements of mystery, romance, and historical detail. Carolyn Wells' expert storytelling and engaging characters make this book a true literary gem that is sure to entertain and satisfy readers of all tastes.


Good Press




ca. 195





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