The Crime in the Crypt

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Crime in the Crypt“

Carolyn Wells' novel 'The Crime in the Crypt' is a gripping mystery set in the early 20th century, blending elements of suspense, intrigue, and detective work. The story follows an amateur sleuth who delves into a murder mystery within the walls of an ancient crypt, unraveling secrets and uncovering hidden motives along the way. Wells' prose is marked by its vivid descriptions and well-crafted plot twists, keeping readers on the edge of their seats until the final reveal. This work is a prime example of classic detective fiction, showcasing the author's skill in creating a captivating narrative that pushes the boundaries of the genre. Fans of mystery novels will appreciate the intricate web of clues and red herrings that Wells expertly weaves throughout the story. Carolyn Wells, known for her contributions to early 20th-century detective fiction, draws upon her expertise in crafting complex mysteries to deliver a compelling and engaging read in 'The Crime in the Crypt'. Her storytelling prowess shines through in this novel, which remains a classic in the genre and a must-read for lovers of detective fiction and suspenseful narratives.


Good Press




ca. 210





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