Unneutral Murder

Hulbert Footner

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Beschreibung zu „Unneutral Murder“

Hulbert Footner's 'Unneutral Murder' is a gripping mystery novel set against the backdrop of World War I. The story follows amateur detective Amos Lee Mappin as he investigates a murder in a small Canadian town with international implications. Footner's writing style is atmospheric and detailed, immersing the reader in the tension of wartime Canada. The novel is known for its intricate plot twists and engaging characters, making it a classic example of early 20th-century detective fiction. Footner's ability to blend historical context with a thrilling mystery adds depth to the narrative, creating a compelling reading experience for fans of the genre. Hulbert Footner, a prolific writer of mystery and adventure fiction, drew inspiration from his own experiences in Canada and his fascination with crime-solving. His knowledge of the period shines through in 'Unneutral Murder', offering readers a unique perspective on wartime mysteries. I highly recommend 'Unneutral Murder' to those who enjoy a well-crafted detective story with a historical twist.


Good Press




ca. 216





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