The Emily Emmins Papers

Carolyn Wells

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Beschreibung zu „The Emily Emmins Papers“

In Carolyn Wells' 'The Emily Emmins Papers', the readers are taken on a journalistic journey through the life of the titular character, Emily Emmins. The book is structured as a series of letters, articles, and diary entries, giving the reader a glimpse into the intimate thoughts and experiences of Emily. Wells' writing style is characterized by its detailed descriptions and emotional depth, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in Emily's world. Set in the late 19th century, the book offers a unique perspective on class and gender dynamics of the time period. Wells' portrayal of Emily's struggles and triumphs is both poignant and thought-provoking, making the book a compelling read for those interested in historical fiction. As a prolific author of her time, Wells' personal experiences and observations likely influenced her creation of Emily Emmins, adding a layer of authenticity to the story. 'The Emily Emmins Papers' is a must-read for those seeking a captivating and insightful exploration of life in the late 1800s.


Good Press




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