Dropped out of Time

A Narrative from the Future

Andreas Pritzker

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Beschreibung zu „Dropped out of Time“

The protagonist of this story is Damian Trank – the great-grandson of Gerold Trank, whose narrative was recounted by the author in Time Reclaimed.
The year is 2085. Damian Trank’s brain gets damaged in an accident. Thanks to the possibilities of modern medical science, it can be restored, but the memories are lost. Although there are ways to alleviate the patient's situation, Damian is unable to cope with this loss, until a book written by his great-grandfather in the 1990s points him in the right direction.

Über Andreas Pritzker

Andreas Pritzker, born in 1945, is a Swiss physicist and author. He has published the following texts: Filberts Verhängnis (novel, 1990), Das Ende der Täuschung (novel, 1993), Eingeholte Zeit (narrative, 2001), Die Anfechtungen des Juan Zinniker (novel, 2007), Allenthalben Lug und Trug (novel, 2010), Geschichte des SIN (science history, 2013). He also co-edited a number of oral history texts.


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