Bearly Saving His Omega

MM Alpha Omega Fated Mates Mpreg Shifter

Akita StarFire

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Beschreibung zu „Bearly Saving His Omega“

Inheriting the bear clan from his father, Brandon must strive to bring peace to the valley. Having been chased out of their native land, the bear clan corralled every animal in their territory in an attempt to starve out the hated were-wolves.

With the brutal war at a fevered pitch, Brandon must choose sides. Stand with his clan and watch the wolves burn. Or break from his clan and save the omegas.

But Brandon has a secret.

He met Jared, an omega wolf-pup, as a cub and they formed a life-long bond that couldn’t be broken.

Or so Brandon thought.

Can the were-bear leader overcome his pack’s hatred for the wolves to save his omega? Or, will he be too late?

What Brandon didn’t know, was that Jared harbored his own secret.

This 16k word story contains an HEA, Mpreg, and babies at the end. Cute babies. Insufferable little tykes that get into all sorts of trouble.






ca. 52





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