Introducing Mathematics

A Graphic Guide

Ziauddin Sardar Jerry Ravetz


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Beschreibung zu „Introducing Mathematics“

What is mathematics, and why is it such a mystery to so many people?

Mathematics is the greatest creation of human intelligence. It affects us all. We depend on it in our daily lives, and yet many of the tools of mathematics, such as geometry, algebra and trigonometry, are descended from ancient or non-Western civilizations.
Introducing Mathematics traces the story of mathematics from the ancient world to modern times, describing the great discoveries and providing an accessible introduction to such topics as number-systems, geometry and algebra, the calculus, the theory of the infinite, statistical reasoning and chaos theory. It shows how the history of mathematics has seen progress and paradox go hand in hand - and how this is still happening today.

Über Ziauddin Sardar

Ziauddin Sardar is a prominent and highly respected journalist and author. Prolific and polymath, he is a familiar U.K. television and radio personality.


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