Introducing Time

A Graphic Guide

Ralph Edney Craig Callender


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Beschreibung zu „Introducing Time“

What is time? The 5th-century philosopher St Augustine famously said that he knew what time was, so long as no one asked him.

Is time a fourth dimension similar to space or does it flow in some sense? And if it flows, does it make sense to say how fast? Does the future exist? Is time travel possible? Why does time seem to pass in only one direction?

These questions and others are among the deepest and most subtle that one can ask, but Introducing Time presents them - many for the first time - in an easily accessible, lucid and engaging manner, wittily illustrated by Ralph Edney.

Über Ralph Edney

Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon is a producer of television documentaries. Will Rood studied mathematics at Cambridge University. His fractal animations have graced many television documentaries and his artwork has featured on numerous magazines, posters and CD sleeves. Ralph Edney trained as a mathematician, and has worked as a teacher, journalist, illustrator and political cartoonist.


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