A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome

William James Early Bennett

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Beschreibung zu „A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome“

In 'A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome', William James Early Bennett provides a poignant and insightful look into the pastoral concerns of a small English parish. Written in a pastoral, reflective style, the book addresses a variety of topics such as faith, community, and the moral responsibilities of parishioners. Bennett's literary style is characterized by a deep sense of empathy and understanding towards the struggles and joys of rural life, making this book a valuable contribution to English pastoral literature. The book is steeped in the literary tradition of pastoral letters, offering both spiritual guidance and practical advice to the parishioners of Frome. Bennett's compassionate approach to pastoral care shines through in every page, making this book a must-read for those interested in the intersection of faith and everyday life. William James Early Bennett, a respected Anglican cleric and writer, draws upon his own experiences in serving a small rural parish to deliver a powerful message of love and hope to his readers. His authentic voice and deep understanding of the human condition make 'A Pastoral Letter to the Parishioners of Frome' a timeless work that continues to resonate with readers today.


Good Press




ca. 39





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