The Ghost: A Modern Fantasy

Arnold Bennett

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Beschreibung zu „The Ghost: A Modern Fantasy“

Arnold Bennett's 'The Ghost: A Modern Fantasy' is a captivating tale that delves into the realm of the supernatural while maintaining a grounded and realistic narrative style. Written in a clear and concise manner, the book explores themes of the afterlife, the human psyche, and the fragility of life. Bennett's clever use of symbolism and imagery adds depth to the story, making it a thought-provoking read for those interested in both fantasy and psychological fiction. Set against the backdrop of early 20th-century England, the book reflects the author's keen observations of society and culture at the time, making it a valuable piece of contemporary literature. By blending elements of the supernatural with mundane reality, Bennett creates a truly unique reading experience that is both entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Fans of Bennett's other works will appreciate this departure from his typical style, showcasing his versatility as a writer.


Good Press




ca. 172





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