The Great Musicians: Purcell

William Hayman Cummings Francis Hueffer

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Beschreibung zu „The Great Musicians: Purcell“

William Hayman Cummings' 'The Great Musicians: Purcell' offers a comprehensive exploration of the life and works of the esteemed composer Henry Purcell. Drawing from a wealth of historical documentation and musical analysis, Cummings delves into Purcell's genius in blending English and Italian styles to create groundbreaking compositions that remain influential to this day. The book is written in a scholarly yet accessible style, making it an essential read for music enthusiasts and scholars alike, providing a deep understanding of Purcell's contributions within the context of Baroque music. Cummings skillfully presents Purcell's works in a new light, offering fresh insights into his creative process and musical innovations. Through meticulous research and insightful commentary, Cummings invites readers to appreciate the genius of Henry Purcell and his enduring impact on the world of music.


Good Press




ca. 103





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