Letters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles

Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy

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Beschreibung zu „Letters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles“

In 'Letters of Felix Mendelssohn to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles', readers are granted a rare insight into the personal correspondence of the esteemed composer Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. The collection of letters showcases Mendelssohn's eloquent and expressive writing style, providing a glimpse into his thoughts on music, life, and his relationships with Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles. The letters also shed light on the musical context of the time, offering valuable perspectives on the Romantic era of music. Mendelssohn's letters are filled with deep emotion and profound insights, making this book a treasure trove for music enthusiasts and scholars alike. Mendelssohn's unique literary voice adds an extra layer of richness to the already fascinating content of the letters, making this book a must-read for those interested in understanding the mind of one of the great composers of the 19th century.


Good Press




ca. 218





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