The Gospel According to Peter: A Study

Walter Richard Cassels

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Beschreibung zu „The Gospel According to Peter: A Study“

In 'The Gospel According to Peter: A Study,' Walter Richard Cassels delves deep into the literary and theological context of the apocryphal Gospel of Peter. Through meticulous analysis, Cassels examines the differences between this gospel and the canonical gospels, shedding light on its unique portrayal of Jesus and the events of his life. His meticulous literary style brings to light the distinct characteristics of the Gospel of Peter, providing readers with a scholarly understanding of its significance in early Christian literature. Cassels' work is essential for those interested in exploring the diversity of early Christian texts and the debates surrounding the formation of the New Testament canon. The author's expertise in biblical studies and early Christian history allows for a thorough examination of the Gospel of Peter, offering valuable insights into its reception and interpretation by ancient communities. 'The Gospel According to Peter: A Study' is highly recommended for scholars and enthusiasts of biblical literature seeking to expand their knowledge of early Christian texts and the complexities of gospel transmission.


Good Press




ca. 132





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