Simon Magus

An Essay on the Founder of Simonianism Based on the Ancient Sources With a Re-Evaluation of His Philosophy and Teachings

G. R. S. Mead

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Beschreibung zu „Simon Magus“

In his book 'Simon Magus', G. R. S. Mead delves into the controversial figure of Simon Magus, a Samaritan magician mentioned in the New Testament. Mead explores the historical context surrounding Simon Magus, dissecting biblical references and apocryphal texts to offer a comprehensive analysis of this enigmatic character. Mead's writing style is scholarly and meticulous, citing numerous sources and engaging with theological debates of the time. The book provides valuable insights into the early Christian era and the diverse beliefs that existed within the religious landscape. Mead's thorough examination of Simon Magus sheds light on the complexities of early Christianity and the challenges it faced from competing ideologies. The book is a must-read for scholars of religious studies and anyone interested in the origins of Christian faith.


Good Press




ca. 102





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