Delir beim alten Menschen

Grundlagen - Diagnostik - Therapie - Prävention

Christine Thomas Walter Hewer Lutz Michael Drach

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Beschreibung zu „Delir beim alten Menschen“

Delirium is one of the most important geriatric syndromes, and its potentially unfavourable prognosis is increasingly being recognized. At least 10-20% of older people who are treated in hospitals are affected by it, but dementia and delirium are also frequently encountered in residential care facilities as well.
Delirium is discussed in this book in relation to its range of symptoms, classification, and also etiology and pathogenesis. Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are discussed on the basis of current evidence-based knowledge. Individual chapters are concerned with delirium in diseases of dependency, as well as the current state of knowledge on how to prevent delirium. Numerous case reports, tables and illustrations - along with a discussion of current health-policy issues that go beyond delirium and are relevant for geriatrics as a whole - give the book a close link to practical work for everyone involved in geriatrics and gerontopsychiatry.

Über Christine Thomas

Christine Thomas ist verrückt nach Latte Macchiato und American Football. Sie liebt Lakritz, lange Spaziergänge und das Meer. Eine Sache gibt es allerdings, die sie noch mehr mag, und das sind Happy Endings. Da es im wahren Leben oft zu wenig davon gibt schreibt sie ihre eigenen. Ihre Romane handeln von Freundschaft, Leidenschaft, Familie und der großen Liebe. Zusammen mit ihrem Schatz und einem albernen Goldfisch lebt sie abwechselnd in Köln und Frankreich.


Kohlhammer Verlag




ca. 294





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