Tales of To-day and Other Days

Various Authors

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Beschreibung zu „Tales of To-day and Other Days“

In 'Tales of To-day and Other Days' by Various Authors, readers are taken on a journey through a diverse collection of short stories that explore the complexities of human nature, relationships, and society. Each tale is carefully crafted with vivid descriptions and rich character development, making this book a must-read for those who appreciate the art of storytelling in various literary contexts. From tales set in the present day to stories from different epochs, this book offers a glimpse into different worlds and perspectives, captivating readers with its engaging narratives. Themes of love, betrayal, redemption, and self-discovery are expertly woven into the fabric of these tales, leaving a lasting impact on the reader's imagination. Various Authors showcase their versatility and creativity in this thought-provoking collection, proving their adeptness at capturing the essence of the human experience through storytelling. 'Tales of To-day and Other Days' is a testament to the enduring power of literature to transcend time and space, making it a timeless classic that will resonate with readers for years to come.

Über Various Authors

There are twenty-six contributors to this collection: Gerry Boland, Barbara Boyd-Anderson, Arthur Broomfield, Martin Byrne, Marion Clarke, Dominique Cleary, Richard Clune, Paddy Doherty, William Doyle, Eamon Duffin, Reed James, Andrew Joyce, Ndrek Gjini, Graham Heneghan, Rose Kelleher, Chloe Kiely, Mitch Lavender, Ciaran McLoughlin, Alan McMonagle, Kieran Marsh, Noel O’Regan, Atila Racz, Dorothy Reed, Sean Turner, Dan Walsh, Margaret Zheng.


Good Press




ca. 216





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