Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories

Various Julian Hawthorne

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Beschreibung zu „Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories“

In the 'Library of the World's Best Mystery and Detective Stories', Various authors come together to create a collection of captivating and intriguing tales that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Each story is meticulously selected to showcase the best of mystery and detective fiction, highlighting the suspense, clever plot twists, and thrilling adventures that are the hallmark of the genre. The book's literary style is varied, ranging from classic whodunits to psychological thrillers, providing a comprehensive overview of the diverse narratives that fall under the umbrella of mystery and detective fiction. The anthology serves as a valuable resource for both avid fans of the genre and newcomers looking to explore its rich history. With stories that range from the eerie to the puzzling, this collection is sure to satisfy any lover of mystery and intrigue.


Good Press




ca. 297





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