Valerie Parv

With more than twenty million copies of her books sold internationally, it's no wonder Valerie Parv is known as Australia's queen of romance and is a popular media spokesperson for all things romantic. Already a successful writer of non-fiction, Valerie has made love and romance a career, with over 50 novels to her name, translated into over twenty languages.
A qualified trainer and counsellor, Valerie conducts seminars and workshops on creativity and all aspects of the writing craft based on her two best-selling guides for writers, The Art of Romance Writing in 1st and 2nd editions (Allen + Unwin 1993, 2004) and The Idea Factory (Allen + Unwin 1995).
Valerie continues to write her page-turning novels because they affirm her belief in love and happy endings. As she says, Love gives you wings, romance helps you fly'.

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