The 2006 CIA World Factbook

Insights into the Global Landscape: Essential Data and Analysis from the 2006 CIA World Factbook

United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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Beschreibung zu „The 2006 CIA World Factbook“

The 2006 CIA World Factbook, compiled by the United States Central Intelligence Agency, serves as a comprehensive and authoritative resource for information on the countries and territories of the world. This meticulously researched publication presents a wide range of data including geography, population, government, economy, and more. The book is written in a concise and informative style, making it a valuable reference tool for researchers, policymakers, and general readers interested in global affairs. The 2006 edition offers insights into the latest trends and developments shaping the political and economic landscape of the world, placing it within the context of the post-9/11 era and the ongoing war on terror. With its wealth of information and analysis, this book provides a vital overview of the international community in the early 21st century.


Good Press




ca. 4332





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