The 1993 CIA World Factbook

A Comprehensive Guide to Global Affairs and Geopolitics

United States. Central Intelligence Agency

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Beschreibung zu „The 1993 CIA World Factbook“

The 1993 CIA World Factbook, compiled by the United States Central Intelligence Agency, serves as a comprehensive guide to the geopolitical and socio-economic landscape of countries worldwide. This meticulously researched reference book provides detailed information on each country's geography, government, economy, military, and demographics, making it an invaluable resource for scholars, policymakers, and anyone interested in global affairs. Written in a concise and straightforward style, the Factbook offers a wealth of data presented in a clear and accessible format, reflecting the CIA's commitment to accuracy and objectivity in intelligence gathering. The book's content is contextualized within the broader historical and political context of the early 1990s, offering readers a deeper understanding of the world at that time. The United States Central Intelligence Agency, being a premier intelligence agency, brings unparalleled expertise and resources to the creation of the Factbook. The agency's dedication to providing accurate and reliable information is evident throughout the book, showcasing their commitment to transparency and knowledge dissemination. The author's background in intelligence gathering and analysis undoubtedly influenced the meticulous research and attention to detail evident in the Factbook. I highly recommend The 1993 CIA World Factbook to readers seeking a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on global affairs. Whether you are a student, researcher, policymaker, or simply a curious individual, this book will enrich your understanding of the world and provide valuable insights into the diverse countries that make up our international community.


Good Press




ca. 1252





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