United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929

Navigating Global Politics: Sanctions on Iran & Security Threats

United Nations

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Beschreibung zu „United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929“

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 offers a critical examination of the international community's efforts to address proliferation concerns related to Iran. As a legally binding resolution adopted in 2010, the document delineates the framework for sanctions and measures designed to curb Iran's nuclear ambitions, employing a formal yet accessible literary style that reflects diplomatic discourse. Set against a backdrop of escalating geopolitical tensions and ongoing debates about nuclear non-proliferation, this resolution encapsulates the complexities of international diplomacy and collective security, highlighting the balancing act between national sovereignty and global accountability. Crafted by the United Nations, an organization founded to foster international cooperation and prevent conflicts, this resolution embodies the challenges faced in aligning diverse member states' interests towards a common goal. The UN's historical commitment to uphold peace and security informs the necessity and urgency of this document, which responds to both strategic imperatives and moral responsibilities in a rapidly evolving global landscape. For scholars, policymakers, and students of international relations alike, Resolution 1929 serves as an essential primary source that illustrates the nuanced interplay of diplomacy, security, and global governance. It invites readers to reflect on the implications of collective action in addressing security threats, making it a vital reference for understanding contemporary international relations.


Good Press




ca. 22





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