Iran Constitution of 1906

Government of Iran

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Beschreibung zu „Iran Constitution of 1906“

The 'Iran Constitution of 1906' provides a comprehensive analysis of the constitutional history and development of Iran during the early 20th century. Written by the Government of Iran, the book delves into the creation and implementation of the 1906 Constitution, highlighting its significance in the country's political landscape. The literary style is scholarly and informative, offering a detailed account of the legal framework that shaped Iranian governance at the time. The book also explores the socio-political context in which the constitution was drafted, shedding light on the motivations and challenges faced by the government officials involved in its formulation. Overall, the 'Iran Constitution of 1906' is a valuable resource for anyone interested in Iranian history, constitutional law, or Middle Eastern politics. The author's authoritative insight into the subject matter makes this book a must-read for scholars, historians, and political analysts seeking a deeper understanding of Iran's constitutional development.


Good Press




ca. 47





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