U.S. Senate Hearing on Wartime Executive Power and National Security Agency's Surveillance Authority

Unated States Senate

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Beschreibung zu „U.S. Senate Hearing on Wartime Executive Power and National Security Agency's Surveillance Authority“

In 'U.S. Senate Hearing on Wartime Executive Power and National Security Agency's Surveillance Authority,' the Unated States Senate delves into the complex relationship between national security and civil liberties during times of war. Through the transcript of the Senate hearing, readers are given a window into the inner workings of the government's decision-making process and the legal justifications behind controversial surveillance programs. The book is a fascinating exploration of the tensions between protecting the nation and upholding individual freedoms, presented in a straightforward and informative style that reflects the seriousness of the topic. The context of the book is within the larger debate surrounding the balance of power between the branches of government and the interpretation of the Constitution in times of crisis. The author's meticulous documentation of the proceedings provides readers with a valuable resource for understanding the issues at stake in modern governance. For anyone interested in the intersection of politics, law, and national security, 'U.S. Senate Hearing on Wartime Executive Power and National Security Agency's Surveillance Authority' is a must-read that sheds light on the complexities of democratic governance in the 21st century.


Good Press




ca. 194





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