A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis

Patrick Colquhoun

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Beschreibung zu „A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis“

Patrick Colquhoun's 'A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis' is a groundbreaking work that provides an in-depth analysis of the police system in London during the late 18th century. Colquhoun's writing style is meticulous and detailed, offering a comprehensive understanding of the social and political context in which law enforcement operated at the time. The book delves into the challenges faced by the metropolitan police and proposes innovative solutions to improve public safety and order. Colquhoun's work is considered a pivotal piece in the development of modern policing strategies. His use of statistical data and case studies sets this treatise apart as a pioneering work in the field of criminology. Patrick Colquhoun, a Scottish merchant and magistrate, drew upon his firsthand experiences with crime and poverty in London to advocate for a more effective and humane approach to policing. His expertise in business management and public administration informed his perspective on law enforcement, making 'A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis' a compelling read for those interested in the history of policing and criminal justice. This seminal work is highly recommended for scholars, historians, and anyone interested in understanding the evolution of law enforcement practices in urban settings.


Good Press




ca. 510





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