Reflections and Interpretations

– the Freedom Writers’ teaching methodology

Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)

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Beschreibung zu „Reflections and Interpretations“

"Reflections and Interpretations" is an anthology on The Freedom Writers’ methodology. It is an anthology for all those with a professional need for texts explaining, not only how The Freedom Writers’ tools are being used, but also why they work so convincingly well. It is not an anthology of guidelines; it is an anthology of explanations based on theory. And it is an anthology written by Freedom Writer Teachers – who else could do it?

Über Torbjørn Ydegaard (Ed.)

Torbjørn Ydegaard is Danish but educated as mentor of out-door life from The Norwegian School of Mountaineering and hold a Master of Education from University of Oslo, Norway. He is also educated Freedom Writer Teacher. Torbjørn is cur-rently teaching pedagogy at University College South-Denmark. His students range from bachelors of Nutrition and Health to soldiers in the armed forces. Besides that Torbjørn is Chairman of the Board in the Danish NGO Himalayan Project that runs among other things school empowerment projects in a moun-tain region in Nepal. Contact:

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