A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities

Pierre-Simon Laplace

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Beschreibung zu „A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities“

In 'A Philosophical Essay on Probabilities' by Pierre-Simon Laplace, the author delves into the intricacies of probability theory with a philosophical lens. The book explores the concept of probability as a tool for understanding uncertain events, drawing on various examples and thought experiments to illustrate its applications. Laplace's writing style is clear and concise, making complex mathematical concepts accessible to readers from all backgrounds. Written in the early 19th century, the book offers a unique insight into the development of probability theory and its intersection with philosophy, making it a classic in the field of mathematical literature. Laplace's work is a foundational text for anyone interested in the philosophical implications of probability and its practical applications in everyday life. His thoughtful exploration of probability as a means of understanding the uncertain nature of the world will leave readers with a deeper appreciation for the role of chance in shaping our lives.


Good Press




ca. 155





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