DUNGEON DIVE: Aim for the Deepest Level Volume 3 (Light Novel)

Tarisa Warinai


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Lastiara Whoseyards. The girl who was born to die. An artificially created vessel with a consciousness to be discarded.

The ritual to replace Lastiara’s soul will be held in a few days’ time, and the entire nation of Whoseyards is awaiting the prophesied resurrection of the vaunted Saint Tiara with bated breath. A plan to rescue Lastiara from her sacrificial fate is brewing among the Seven Celestial Knights, and Palinchron suggests a way to save her. But will Kanami put his quest to reach the Dungeon’s deepest level on hold and risk it all? And does Lastiara even want to be saved?

Moreover, Lastiara’s destiny isn’t the only one that hangs in the balance. Maria’s crush, Alty’s wish to see a romance requited, the duels with the Knights, and the shadows over Kanami’s “???” skill... Everything comes to a head during the Day of the Blessed Birth!


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