The Serpent Gift

Lene Kaaberbøl

Fantasy Jugendbücher

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Beschreibung zu „The Serpent Gift“

The third book in the thrilling fantasy adventure series, The Shamer Chronicles
A watching face in a market crowd, a mist-shrouded figure on the moor, a haunting presence seen only when he wants to be seen. Sezuan has the Serpent Gift. With the eerie music of his flute, he can weave a web of lies and illusion to trap the keenest mind. He is also Dina's father, and he has come to claim her.
Dina's family set family set off in desperate flight, trying to escape Sezuan's snare. But soon, with nowhere else to turn, Dina must learn to see through her father's deceit and use her own gift against him.
An award-winning and highly acclaimed writer of fantasy, Lene Kaaberbøl was born in 1960, grew up in the Danish countryside and had her first book published at the age of 15. Since then she has written more than 30 books for children and young adults. Lene's huge international breakthrough came with The Shamer Chronicles, which is published in more than 25 countries selling over a million copies worldwide.

Über Lene Kaaberbøl

Lene Kaaberbøl, geb. 1960 in Kopenhagen, veröffentlichte ihren ersten Roman mit 15 Jahren. Bevor sie sich beruflich ganz der Schriftstellerei widmete, arbeitete sie als Englischlehrerin, Übersetzerin und Reitlehrerin. 2002 wurde sie für ihre Romane zur Disney-Serie W.I.T.C.H. mit dem Preis »Walt Disney Writer of the Year« ausgezeichnet.


Pushkin Children's Books




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