
Susan Coolidge

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Beschreibung zu „Verses“

Susan Coolidge's 'Verses' is a collection of poetry that explores themes of nature, love, and nostalgia. Written in a simple and straightforward style, Coolidge's poems evoke a sense of gentle introspection and emotional depth. The lyrical language used by Coolidge reflects the influence of Romantic poets, such as Wordsworth and Keats, while also hinting at the beginnings of Modernist experimentation. 'Verses' provides readers with a glimpse into the Victorian era's literary landscape, showcasing the intersection of sentimentality and aestheticism prevalent during the time. Coolidge's exploration of female perspectives and emotions adds a unique dimension to the collection, making it a valuable contribution to 19th-century poetry. Susan Coolidge, known for her popular 'What Katy Did' series, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations when crafting 'Verses.' Her keen eye for detail and sensitivity to human emotions shine through in each poem, making the collection a personal and intimate reflection of the author's inner world. I highly recommend 'Verses' to readers interested in Victorian poetry, literary feminism, and the evolution of poetic form. Coolidge's exploration of themes that remain universal to this day makes this collection a timeless and poignant read.


Good Press




ca. 65





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