Charmides, and Other Poems

Oscar Wilde

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Beschreibung zu „Charmides, and Other Poems“

Oscar Wilde's 'Charmides, and Other Poems' is a collection of lyrical and thought-provoking poetry that showcases Wilde's talent for blending beauty with wit. The poems in this collection cover a range of themes such as love, nature, and aesthetics, all written in Wilde's signature style that is both ornate and philosophical. 'Charmides, and Other Poems' is a reflection of the late Victorian era, with its exploration of decadence, beauty, and morality. Oscar Wilde, known for his sharp wit and subversive social commentary, was a key figure in the Aesthetic movement. His own life experiences, including his trial and imprisonment for homosexuality, undoubtedly influenced the themes and tone of his poetry. Wilde's unique perspective and irreverent attitude towards societal norms shine through in 'Charmides, and Other Poems.' I highly recommend 'Charmides, and Other Poems' to readers who appreciate finely crafted poetry that challenges conventional thinking. Wilde's enchanting verses will captivate you with their beauty and depth, making this collection a must-read for fans of Victorian literature and poetry enthusiasts alike.

Über Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde (Dublín, 1854-París, 1900), poeta y dramaturgo irlandés, es uno de los más célebres escritores tanto por su provocadora personalidad como por su obra, de la que cabe destacar su novela El retrato de Dorian Gray, las obras teatrales o El abanico de lady Windermere, así como el poema La balada de la cárcel de Reading.


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