Reading: How to Teach It

Sarah Louise Arnold

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Beschreibung zu „Reading: How to Teach It“

Sarah Louise Arnold's 'Reading: How to Teach It' is a comprehensive guide that delves into the multifaceted aspects of teaching and learning how to read. The book explores various teaching methods, strategies, and resources necessary for educators to effectively teach reading skills to students. With a focus on literacy development, Arnold provides practical examples and insights into fostering a love for reading in educational settings. Written in a clear and engaging style, the book is suitable for educators, parents, and anyone interested in enhancing reading instruction. Arnold's emphasis on creating a positive reading environment and individualized instruction sets this book apart in the field of literacy education. 'Reading: How to Teach It' is a valuable resource that addresses the importance of literacy education in today's society and offers practical guidance for promoting reading proficiency in learners of all ages.


Good Press




ca. 107





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