A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes

Oliver Optic

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Beschreibung zu „A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes“

Oliver Optic's 'A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes' is a meticulously crafted work that serves as a comprehensive guide for advanced learners looking to enhance their spelling skills. Optic's precise literary style makes the book easy to follow and engaging for readers of all levels. This spelling-book is situated within the 19th-century educational context, where spelling proficiency was highly valued and considered a crucial skill for personal and professional success. The book includes a wide range of exercises, examples, and challenges to help the reader improve their spelling abilities and expand their vocabulary. Optic's attention to detail and focus on practical application make this book a valuable resource for self-improvement and educational advancement. Overall, 'A Spelling-Book for Advanced Classes' is a timeless work that continues to be relevant for modern readers seeking to enhance their language skills and master the art of spelling.


Good Press




ca. 49





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