Wild Northern Scenes; Or, Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod

S. H. Hammond

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Beschreibung zu „Wild Northern Scenes; Or, Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod“

In 'Wild Northern Scenes; Or, Sporting Adventures with the Rifle and the Rod' by S. H. Hammond, readers are taken on a thrilling journey through the wilderness of the Northern United States and Canada. Through vivid descriptions and detailed accounts, Hammond combines his love for nature with his passion for hunting and fishing, creating a book that captures the essence of the wild. Written in a straightforward and engaging style, the book provides a glimpse into the rugged beauty of the northern landscape while also highlighting the skills and techniques necessary for successful hunting and fishing. Hammond's work stands out in the literary context of the time by blending adventure with practical knowledge, appealing to both outdoor enthusiasts and armchair travelers. S. H. Hammond, an experienced hunter and angler, draws from his own experiences in the wild to offer valuable insights and tips to readers. His deep connection to nature and passion for the outdoors shine through in every page of 'Wild Northern Scenes,' making it a must-read for anyone interested in the thrill of the hunt or the beauty of the natural world.


Good Press




ca. 251





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