The Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved

Imparting Many of the Aptest Ways and Choicest Experiments for the Taking Most Sorts of Fish in Pond or River

Robert Venables

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Beschreibung zu „The Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved“

Robert Venables' 'The Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved' is a classic treatise on angling that was first published in 1662. The book provides detailed instructions on various aspects of fishing, including different types of fish, fishing techniques, and advice on selecting the best fishing gear. Venables writes in a clear and straightforward manner, making the complex art of angling accessible to both novice and experienced anglers. The book is considered a valuable resource for those interested in the history of fishing as it captures the angling practices of the 17th century. Venables' work is not just a manual on fishing but also a reflection of the author's passion for the sport and his desire to share his knowledge with others. The book is an important milestone in the development of angling literature and continues to be a timeless guide for anglers of all levels. 'The Experienced Angler; or Angling Improved' is recommended for anyone interested in the history and practice of fishing, as well as those looking to enhance their angling skills.


Good Press




ca. 69





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