Family Medicinal Plant Gardens

East Africa 2022

Rudolphe Lemmens Monique Adriaens

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Beschreibung zu „Family Medicinal Plant Gardens“

This book, Family Medicinal Plant Gardens East Africa, reflects the collective knowledge of Ugandan traditional healers, herbalists and farmers for quotidian ailments. It describes plants that can grow in your garden, how to produce medicine out of them and which ailments to cure with these preparations. Most information is been gathered during work sessions or direct interference with healers and farmers and crosschecked with other healers herbalists and medicinal literature. The plants described grows all in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and the other countries belonging to East Africa. This book is to be consulted at every small accident or illness that occurs in the family, or identify the disorder, make the choice of a recipe and than collect from your garden the plants you need to prepare a first aid treatment. Do not forget to check with a medicinal practitioner when possible.


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