The Squatter's Dream

A Story of Australian Life

Rolf Boldrewood

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Beschreibung zu „The Squatter's Dream“

Rolf Boldrewood's 'The Squatter's Dream' is a classic Australian novel that delves into the life of early settlers in the rugged outback. The book follows the struggles and triumphs of a young squatter as he navigates the harsh landscape and deals with the challenges of establishing a successful cattle ranch. Boldrewood's vivid descriptions and realistic portrayal of the Australian bush make the reader feel as though they are right there alongside the characters, experiencing the joys and hardships of pioneer life. The novel is a blend of adventure, romance, and drama, with themes of loyalty, perseverance, and the clash between civilization and the wild frontier. Boldrewood's writing style is engaging and immersive, drawing the reader into the heart of the story and keeping them eagerly turning the pages. As one of the most prominent figures in Australian literature, Boldrewood's firsthand experience as a squatter himself lends authenticity and depth to 'The Squatter's Dream'. His intimate knowledge of the land and its people shines through in his writing, making this novel a must-read for anyone interested in Australian history and literature.


Good Press




ca. 332





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