A Settler's 35 Years' Experience in Victoria, Australia

And how £6 8s. became £8,000

E. Hulme

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Beschreibung zu „A Settler's 35 Years' Experience in Victoria, Australia“

In E. Hulme's 'A Settler's 35 Years' Experience in Victoria, Australia,' readers are taken on a journey through the experiences and challenges faced by a settler in Victoria during the colonial period. Hulme's detailed account not only provides historical insights into the settlement of the region but also offers a unique perspective on the daily life, struggles, and triumphs of early settlers. Written in a straightforward and informative style, the book captures the essence of pioneering life in a new and unfamiliar land, shedding light on the harsh realities and moments of resilience that defined the settler experience. Hulme's work stands out for its authenticity and firsthand knowledge of the Australian frontier. This book serves as a valuable primary source for understanding the hardships and perseverance of settlers in colonial Australia, making it essential reading for those interested in Australian history and the pioneer spirit.


Good Press




ca. 45





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