The Merry Men, and Other Tales and Fables

Robert Louis Stevenson

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Beschreibung zu „The Merry Men, and Other Tales and Fables“

Robert Louis Stevenson's collection of short stories, 'The Merry Men, and Other Tales and Fables', encapsulates the essence of Scottish folklore and Gothic literature in the 19th century. The book is a masterpiece that combines themes of madness, adventure, and the supernatural in a rich and evocative prose style. Stevenson's exploration of the human psyche and its connection to the natural world is both haunting and enchanting, making this collection a must-read for fans of Victorian fiction. Each story is a gem of storytelling, filled with suspense and mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Robert Louis Stevenson's own turbulent life and travels inspired many of the stories in this collection, from his experiences in the Scottish Highlands to his fascination with folklore and superstition. His unique perspective as a writer and traveler adds depth and authenticity to the fantastical elements in the tales, making them resonate with readers on a personal level. Stevenson's craftsmanship and creativity shine through in every page, showcasing his skill as a storyteller and his deep understanding of human nature. For lovers of classic literature and Gothic fiction, 'The Merry Men, and Other Tales and Fables' is a timeless treasure that will transport readers to a world of dark wonders and thrilling adventures. Stevenson's storytelling prowess and vivid imagination make this collection a true classic that deserves a place on every bookshelf.

Über Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), geboren in Edinburgh, wollte zunächst Ingenieur werden wie sein Vater, musste diesen Plan jedoch aufgeben, weil er schon früh an einem Lungenleiden erkrankte. Er studierte stattdessen Jura und arbeitete anschließend für verschiedene Zeitschriften. Seinen ersten großen literarischen Erfolg feierte er 1883 mit seiner Abenteuergeschichte «Die Schatzinsel», weitere mit unheimlichen Geschichten in der Nachfolge E. A. Poes. Seine Einkünfte erlaubten dem gebürtigen Schotten lebenslanges Reisen auf der Suche nach einem Klima, das bekömmlicher war als das heimische. Er fand es auf Samoa, wo er im Alter von 44 Jahren starb.


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