Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays

Robert Louis Stevenson

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Beschreibung zu „Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays“

In 'Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays' by Robert Louis Stevenson, the reader is taken on a literary journey through various essays and memories that capture the essence of Stevenson's unique literary style. The book, written in the late 19th century, reflects the author's keen observations of both the physical landscapes he traverses and the human experiences he encounters along the way. Stevenson's prose is marked by its lyrical quality and introspective nature, making this collection a compelling read for those interested in travel literature and personal reflections. Readers will find themselves immersed in Stevenson's vivid descriptions of places and people, as well as his thoughtful musings on life and society. Robert Louis Stevenson, known for his iconic works like 'Treasure Island' and 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,' brings his distinctive voice and perspective to 'Across the Plains.' His own experiences of travel and exploration likely influenced the content of this book, providing readers with a glimpse into the author's mind and heart. Stevenson's ability to blend storytelling with philosophical insights shines through in this collection, making it a valuable addition to his body of work. I highly recommend 'Across the Plains, with Other Memories and Essays' to readers who appreciate rich prose, thoughtful reflection, and unique perspectives on life and travel. Stevenson's mastery of language and storytelling makes this book a captivating read that will leave a lasting impression on those who delve into its pages.

Über Robert Louis Stevenson

Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894), geboren in Edinburgh, wollte zunächst Ingenieur werden wie sein Vater, musste diesen Plan jedoch aufgeben, weil er schon früh an einem Lungenleiden erkrankte. Er studierte stattdessen Jura und arbeitete anschließend für verschiedene Zeitschriften. Seinen ersten großen literarischen Erfolg feierte er 1883 mit seiner Abenteuergeschichte «Die Schatzinsel», weitere mit unheimlichen Geschichten in der Nachfolge E. A. Poes. Seine Einkünfte erlaubten dem gebürtigen Schotten lebenslanges Reisen auf der Suche nach einem Klima, das bekömmlicher war als das heimische. Er fand es auf Samoa, wo er im Alter von 44 Jahren starb.


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