Facts for Everybody: An Encyclopædia of Useful Knowledge

Robert Kemp Philp

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Beschreibung zu „Facts for Everybody: An Encyclopædia of Useful Knowledge“

In 'Facts for Everybody: An Encyclopædia of Useful Knowledge' by Robert Kemp Philp, readers are treated to a comprehensive collection of information spanning various subjects from science to literature. Written in a clear and concise style, the book serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to expand their knowledge on a wide range of topics. Philp's emphasis on presenting information in a manner that is accessible to all audiences sets this work apart in the realm of encyclopedic literature. His attention to detail and commitment to accuracy make this book a reliable source for facts and information. Originally published in 1892, 'Facts for Everybody' captures the spirit of the Victorian era's thirst for knowledge and self-improvement. With its inclusion of practical knowledge and trivia, the book reflects the interests and values of the time. Robert Kemp Philp, a prolific writer and editor, drew upon his experiences as a journalist to compile this encyclopedic work. His dedication to education and dissemination of information is evident throughout the pages of this book. I recommend 'Facts for Everybody' to anyone interested in exploring a wide range of topics in a well-organized and engaging manner.


Good Press




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