The Encyclopaedia of Everything Else

The Ultimate A-Z of Bizarre Information

William Hartston

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Beschreibung zu „The Encyclopaedia of Everything Else“

A delightful and witty treasure trove of utterly useless information by the author of The Things That Nobody Knows.
Most encyclopaedias are boring. They are so packed with worthy but dull facts that a great deal of weird and wonderful material is squeezed out. The Encyclopaedia of Everything Else takes the opposite approach and leaves out all the dreary stuff you can find elsewhere.
The result is the most fascinating, astonishing, varied and utterly useless collection of information ever assembled and organized between two covers. From aardvark tooth bracelets to the genus of tropical weevils known as Zyzzyva, via Mark Twain's views about cabbages, this is a quarter of a million words of sublime pointlessness.


Atlantic Books




ca. 759





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