Peeps at People

Robert Cortes Holliday

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Beschreibung zu „Peeps at People“

Robert Cortes Holliday's 'Peeps at People' provides a collection of insightful essays on various aspects of human nature and behavior. Written in a witty and engaging style, Holliday offers readers a glimpse into the complexities of human relationships and societal interactions. The book's literary context can be seen as a reflection of the early 20th-century fascination with psychology and introspection, as Holliday delves into the intricacies of human character with both humor and depth. Each essay is a careful examination of the quirks and foibles that make us who we are, making 'Peeps at People' a thought-provoking and entertaining read. Robert Cortes Holliday, a prolific writer and editor, drew from his observations of people and society to craft this collection of essays. His keen insight and keen wit shine through in each piece, reflecting his deep understanding of human nature. Readers interested in psychology, sociology, and literature will find 'Peeps at People' to be a fascinating exploration of the human experience, offering both entertainment and enlightenment.


Good Press




ca. 47





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