The Hand Phrenologically Considered

Being a Glimpse at the Relation of the Mind with the Organisation of the Body


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Beschreibung zu „The Hand Phrenologically Considered“

In 'The Hand Phrenologically Considered' by Anonymous, the book delves into the fascinating study of phrenology as it pertains to the hand. The author explores the belief that one's character and personality traits can be determined by the shape and lines of the hand, providing a detailed analysis of how this practice can be traced back to ancient civilizations. The book is written in a scholarly and informative tone, making it a valuable resource for those interested in the history of phrenology and its connections to palmistry and physiognomy. Anonymous skillfully weaves together historical references and case studies to support the theories presented in the book. It serves as a thought-provoking exploration of the intersection between science and pseudoscience in the 19th century. 'The Hand Phrenologically Considered' is recommended for readers who are intrigued by the intersection of psychology, physiology, and philosophy, and are curious about the origins of modern personality assessments.


Good Press




ca. 41





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