Britain for the British

Robert Blatchford

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Beschreibung zu „Britain for the British“

In 'Britain for the British' by Robert Blatchford, the author delves into the complex political and social landscape of early 20th-century Britain. With a straightforward yet compelling writing style, Blatchford delves into the ideas of nationalism, socialism, and the concept of British identity. The book provides a thought-provoking analysis of the issues that were prevalent during the time, shedding light on the struggles of the working class and the call for social reform. Blatchford's narrative is both insightful and engaging, making it a valuable read for those interested in British history and political ideologies of the era.Robert Blatchford, a prominent socialist thinker and journalist, was known for his outspoken views on social justice and equality. His own experiences and observations of the inequalities in British society undoubtedly influenced the writing of 'Britain for the British'. Blatchford's passion for reform and his desire to bring about change are evident throughout the book, making it a compelling and persuasive piece of literature.For readers interested in the social and political history of Britain in the early 20th century, 'Britain for the British' is a must-read. Blatchford's insightful analysis and passionate advocacy for social reform make this book a valuable contribution to the understanding of British society during this turbulent period.


Good Press




ca. 178





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