Irish Nationality

Alice Stopford Green

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Beschreibung zu „Irish Nationality“

In 'Irish Nationality', Alice Stopford Green delves into the historical complexities surrounding Irish national identity and the struggle for independence. Written in a scholarly and engaging style, Green's book provides an in-depth analysis of the cultural, political, and social factors that have shaped Irish nationalism over the centuries. Drawing on a wide range of primary sources and historical accounts, Green offers a comprehensive examination of the challenges and triumphs that have defined the quest for Irish independence. Her vivid descriptions and persuasive arguments make this book a valuable contribution to the scholarly understanding of Irish nationalism in a literary context. Alice Stopford Green, a prominent historian and nationalist, brings a unique perspective to this topic. Her own personal experiences and deep knowledge of Irish history undoubtedly influenced her writing of this seminal work. 'Irish Nationality' is a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of Irish national identity and the ongoing struggle for independence. Green's thorough research and insightful analysis make this book a valuable resource for scholars and general readers alike.


Good Press




ca. 134





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