Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter: Volume 9

Riku Nanano


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Beschreibung zu „Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter: Volume 9“

The rebellion is finally at an end, leaving Allen to recuperate with his students in the eastern capital. But neither he nor his home city have long to tend their war wounds in peace. When the unassuming tutor is awarded the title of the legendary warrior he’s long admired, he finds himself facing not only the predictable backlash from what remains of the conservative aristocracy but also a challenge from his idol’s former comrades in arms! Can he prove himself to some of the mightiest soldiers alive?

Of course, Allen’s own standing is far from his only concern. His partner Lydia has mysteriously lost her magical power, while his student Stella’s is just as inexplicably growing. His friend Gil is contemplating drastic measures to atone for family crimes. The sinister Church of the Holy Spirit continues to advance its plots abroad. And in the royal capital, a new conspiracy is brewing.


J-Novel Club




ca. 167





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