Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter: Volume 6

Riku Nanano


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Beschreibung zu „Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter: Volume 6“

Lydia and Allen have always been a team. They can overcome any challenge together—so what happens when they’re apart? Allen has gone missing in the midst of a bloody insurrection. Witnesses to the enterprising tutor’s last stand fear the worst, while the plight of his beastfolk friends and family in the east grows more desperate by the day. Lydia wants nothing more than to rush to her partner’s aid, but with rebels occupying the capital and the opportunistic League of Principalities encroaching on her family’s lands, the Lady of the Sword will need to do the one thing she’s never been good at—wait. Her sister Lynne watches with growing concern as uncertainty takes its toll on her. What lines will Lydia dare to cross in her desperation to end this latest Southern War?


J-Novel Club




ca. 171





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