The Speech of Monkeys

R. L. Garner

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Beschreibung zu „The Speech of Monkeys“

In 'The Speech of Monkeys' by R. L. Garner, readers are taken on a fascinating journey into the world of primates and their communication. Garner's meticulous observations of monkey behavior provide a unique insight into the evolution of language and the similarities between human and primate communication. The book is written in a scientific yet engaging style, with detailed descriptions of the different vocalizations and gestures used by monkeys to convey messages. Garner's work is a significant contribution to the field of primatology, shedding light on the complex social structures and communication systems of these intelligent animals. The book is a must-read for anyone interested in animal behavior and the origins of language. Garner's expertise in primate communication stems from years of fieldwork and research, making him a respected authority in the field. His dedication to understanding the intricacies of monkey speech has resulted in a groundbreaking study that challenges traditional views on language evolution. 'The Speech of Monkeys' is a captivating read that will leave readers with a newfound appreciation for the intelligence and complexity of our primate cousins.


Good Press




ca. 145





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